Jeremy and David, 1967
It is The Job of an Older Brother to teach a Little Brother The Ways of the World. Virtually everything a Little Brother knows, he learned from his Big Brother. It is the Way. Furthermore, it is decreed that The Older Brother will play a Dual Role: He is both Protector and Tormentor. It is also The Way of the World. I didn't create these rules, I simply abide by them. I like the Protector Role, and I do a good job of it now. I don't want to think about the Tormentor, but occasionally David reminds me that I was very good at it. He says I kept a Rolodex of Tortures to use on him, once the parents left for work, and we were left alone. He says I was especially fond of "Temple Torture," "The Typewriter," "Knuckles," "Monkey Bumps," and worse. I have no idea what he's talking about. I think he exaggerates. He shows me the scars.
Anyway, the Protector: Yesterday I spent most of the day creating new Sales and Marketing tools for him. A leave-behind one-page brochure, new business cards, magnetic door signs, and yard signs for his painting business. Here are what me and Vista Print came up with:
I won't post his one page brochure, but it makes him sound like a painting god. Which he actually is.
Anyway, I got 250 biz cards, two magnetic door signs, and two double-sided lawn signs ordered for just over $100.00 bucks. He thinks I am a whiz. He could never do that. But I could never scrape and paint a multi-story, multi-color house or building. We both think the other one pulls off the impossible. I think I have taught him well.
This is a heartwarming little vignette and I found myself smiling at the same paradox my Big Brotherness still hold we with. Thank you - the first picture is perfect.
Reading this Whole New Mind Book by Daniel Pink right now and he's taught me about mini-sagas. Maybe a good format when you don't feel like writing volumes.
Thanks! Wiil borrow it from you!
made me smile in the most tenderly way shin point
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